
Dive into the thriving world of agriculture in Iredell County,
where fertile fields and innovative practices cultivate
bountiful opportunities.

Cultivating Prosperity In Iredell County

Iredell Ready divider line

The agribusiness systems pathway includes occupations involved in the coordination of all activities that contribute to the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities, plant and animal products, and other natural resources. Iredell County has a solid agricultural base which includes agriculture tourism, farmers markets, farm-based operations including mills and farm supply stores, and family-owned farms. 

Harvesting Success in Iredell County

Agriculture is a vital part of Iredell County’s economy. Its impact is immense, with $662 million in revenue and $165 million in cash gate receipts. Encompassing 133,346 acres, approximately 36 percent of the county’s total acreage, these lands are home to 1,055 farms, with an average farm size of 126 acres. All farms are family-owned and an impressive 1 percent of them are dedicated to organic farming.

An extensive array of crops flourishes across the county’s fertile terrain, encompassing soybeans, corn, wheat, rapeseed, cotton, viniferous grapes, and strawberries, alongside nurturing nursery crops, forestry endeavors, and forest products. Complementing this vibrant agricultural ecosystem, Iredell County is home to vital regional milling facilities and fertilizer manufacturers, underscoring our commitment to a flourishing and sustainable agrarian heritage. Standing tall as an agricultural powerhouse within North Carolina, Iredell County boasts several remarkable distinctions.

Did you know?

  • #1 Dairy Production
  • #1 Corn Silage Production
  • #1 Cattle (beef and dairy)
  • #5 Hay Production
  • #6 in Poultry 

Agriculture Pathways

Animal Systems
The animal systems pathway includes occupations related to the raising and caring of animals and developing more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Workers study genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth and care of domesticated farm animals. Includes workers who provide medical service to farm and nonfarm animals.

Environmental Service Systems
The environmental service systems pathway includes occupations involved in water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal and public health issues. Work includes hazardous-waste management, research, and quality control.

Food Products & Processing Systems
The food products and processing systems pathway includes occupations involved in bulk food production, the discovery of new food sources, the analysis of food content, and the development of ways to process, preserve, package or store food according to consumer needs. Includes those who monitor compliance with industry and government regulations.

Natural Resources Systems
The natural resources systems pathway includes occupations that develop, use, maintain, manage, and analyze natural resources. Includes catching and trapping various types of marine life. Work might relate to recreation, wildlife, conservation, mining, logging, or oil drilling.

Plant Systems
The plant systems pathway includes occupations related to growing food, feed, and fiber crops, and the study of plants and their growth to help producers meet consumer demand while conserving natural resources and maintaining the environment. Work might include nutritional analysis or genetic engineering.

Power, Structural and Technical Systems
Power, structural, and technical systems workers apply knowledge of engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, power, structures, and controls to the field of agriculture. They design agricultural structures as well as machinery and equipment.

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