Embark on a journey through our career pathways in Iredell County Whether you choose employment, enrollment, or enlistment, each pathways offers unique opportunities for your future success.
Get Ready For Success and Empower Your Future
Iredell County partners believe that planning for graduation starts long before senior year. As early as 5th grade, students in our schools are looking at what their future will look like outside of the walls of our district. Which way will they go? Students upon graduation may select to continue their education, seek employment, or enlist with a military branch or career in public service.
Discover which pathway is best for you!
Students exploring the Enrollment pathway are interested in continuing their education at a trade school, college, or university. Learn more about programs and resources geared toward students focused on enrollment.
Explore the Enlistment pathway for military or public service, like law enforcement, EMT, or fire protection. Ideal for those seeking tuition benefits or skill development while serving their country. Discover programs and resources for future service members.
Exploring Middle School Pathways & Career Options
Iredell County believes that career exploration should start in middle school. Understanding the career and technical pathways, courses, and curriculum available will support you in exploring careers and interests while helping you earn a credential. Our public schools offer various programs and options for students and parents to customize their education and pathways based on their interests, needs, and goals. Our public schools provide a variety of choice programs to support individual learning, career exploration, and skills development. To learn more about the choice programs available in Iredell County and Career and Technical Education Pathways, please visit our K-12 page.
Mapping Student Career Pathways
Students in middle school are encouraged to complete Interest Inventories to understand what careers would be best for them. This survey allows students to respond to questions and identify the top three Career Clusters of interest based on their responses.
Students will be assigned a guidance counselor, career development coordinator, or graduation coach. They should schedule a meeting to discuss their career interests and course offerings and ask for guidance in selecting classes to fulfill their graduation requirements and prepare them for their career path. Learn more about career and technical education opportunities by exploring the Employment, Enrollment, and Enlistment pages.
Explore Career Pathways & Opportunities
Students should take opportunities to research and explore careers to learn more about the types of careers and jobs here in Iredell County, as well as what the education pathway and wages are for different types of careers.