Logistics &

Explore careers that support and manage the seamless movement of goods from production to consumers, and unleash the power of efficient global connectivity and delivery.

Global Connectivity And Efficient Supply Chains

Iredell Ready divider line

The Logistics & Distribution sector is key to global trade and manufacturing, with substantial growth through technological advancements. This field offers diverse opportunities, from transportation design to equipment operation, supply chain management, and strategic planning. Enter the world of logistics and contribute to seamless global connectivity and business success.

Iredell County: Crossroads to
the Future Advantage

Nestled just north of Charlotte, Iredell County boasts a strategic advantage as a prime location for logistics and distribution. At the heart of the county lies the intersection of two major interstates, I-40 and I-77, positioning it as a logistical hub for seamless transportation of goods. This advantageous geography places Iredell County at the forefront of the industry, attracting new businesses and serving as a catalyst for job creation not only within the county but also in the entire region. With its well-connected infrastructure and proximity to major economic centers, Iredell County is primed to harness the potential of logistics and distribution for sustained growth and prosperity.

Careers in this field offer various opportunities, from designing cutting-edge transportation systems to operating and repairing equipment, managing supply chains, strategically planning material movement, and ensuring seamless product storage. Step into the world of logistics and distribution, where you can shape the future of seamless global connectivity and contribute to the success of businesses worldwide.

Quick Facts

  • The industry employs about 4 million workers
  • Trucks deliver nearly 70% of all freight in the United States 
  • The United States spends more than 1.5 trillion on transportation 
  • Automation is revolutionizing the industry with efficiency in tracking and assembly, shifting job types but maintaining the need for human-centric roles like maintenance, programming, and leadership.
  • An estimated 50,000 truck driver positions are unfilled, with trucking-related jobs constituting a third of openings. Opportunities also exist for bus drivers, railroad workers, forklift operators, and stock movers.
  • A high school education enables entry into transportation jobs, including material movers, delivery drivers, maintenance workers, clerks, customer service reps, and rail workers.
  • The Logistics and Distribution industry has doubled in employment in the Charlotte Region (2011-2021), growing from 40,000 employees to 80,000 employees. 

Transportation, Logistics & Distribution Pathways

Facility & Mobile Equipment Maintenance 

Careers in the Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance pathway include the maintenance, repair, and servicing of vehicles and transportation facilities, as well as the refueling of mobile equipment. All transportation relies on equipment which must function as designed, whenever needed. The people in this pathway keep the equipment and machinery running while looking for more efficient, safe, and cost-effective ways to do so.

Sample occupations include:

  • Aircraft Mechanic and Service Technician
  • Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assembler
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairer
  • Automotive Glass Installer and Repairer
  • Automotive Service Technician, Mechanic
  • Diesel Service Technician
  • Electrical and Electronic Installer
  • Electrical and Electronic Repairer
  • Marine Watercraft Repair and Maintenance Worker
  • Motorboat Mechanic
  • Service Technician
  • Small Engine Mechanic

Health, Safety & Environmental Management 

Careers in the Health, Safety and Environmental Management pathway involve assessing and managing risks associated with safety and environmental issues. The well-being of people and our environment is more important and challenging today than ever before in history. The people employed in this important pathway research, plan and carry out activities to make our environment safer and cleaner.

Sample occupations include:

  • Health, Safety, and Environment Manager

Logistics Planning and Management Services

Careers in the Logistics Planning and Management Services pathway involve the planning, management and control of the physical distribution of materials, products, and people. Often, more than one mode of transportation is used as distribution efforts can be complex, even national or global. These people are responsible for the plans which will ensure that cargo arrives at the right location, on time, and in the safest, most economical manner.

Sample occupations include:

  • Logistics Analyst
  • Logistics Engineer
  • Logistics Manager

Sales & Service

Careers in the Sales and Service pathway involve the marketing and selling of transportation services to new customers as well as the management of existing customer relationships and customer service.

Sample occupations include:

  • Billing Clerk
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Dispatcher
  • Office Manager
  • Parts Salesperson
  • Statement Clerk

Transportation Operations

Careers in the Transportation Operations pathway are really on the move! These are the people that drive or pilot the vehicles that transport people and freight. Equally important to this pathway are the support people who ensure that any cargo transport is safe, secure, and on time.

Sample occupations include:

  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Aircraft Mechanic and Service Technician
  • Flight Engineer
  • Motorboat Operator
  • Pilot
  • Ship Engineer

Transportation System/Infrastructure Planning, Management & Regulation 

Careers in the Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management and Regulation pathway deal with all aspects of the design and operation of our public transportation systems – road, air, sea and rail. These functions are primarily the responsibility of people who are employed by federal, state and local transportation agencies. Many businesses work to assist these agencies in their efforts.

Sample occupations include:

  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Traffic Technician
  • Urban, Regional Planner

Warehousing & Distribution Center Operations 

Careers in Warehousing and Distribution focus on the operation of transportation and distribution facilities including ports, terminals, warehouses, and other types of facilities. All cargo needs to be tracked, sorted, labeled, and loaded accurately and safely. Timing is also important, since many loads must adhere to a schedule in order to satisfy the needs of the customer.

Sample occupations include:

  • Traffic Engineer
  • Transportation Manager

Additional Industry Information